Ok sobat klinik direktory dofollow berikut cara mengatasi account twitter yang suspended :
1.Buka link twitternya klik twitter help suspended lalu akan muncul gambar di bawah ini
2. Isi form di ata dengan kata- kata sobat yang intinya meminta maaf, tapi jangan sekali - kali menanyakan kenapa akun saya di suspended? (udah salah kok kita malah tanya, yah makin kesel aja kali admin twitter) Buat surat pesan yang intinya meminta maaf. untuk mudahnya sobat minta bantuan translate google. Untuk contoh surat saya pada form diatas.
posthread, Oct 03 06:27 pm (PDT):
Regarding: Suspended account
Subject: Help for Me
Description of problem:
Iam posthread, my account gett suspended today. I will improve the behavior and actions that it is prohibited by twitter. I hope to use this account again. thank you twitter.
Full name: posthread
Twitter username: @posthread
Your email: posthread@xxx
Phone number (optional): +62857xxxxxxx
3. Setelah selesai mengisi form klik Submit.
4. Tunggu 30 sampai 1 jam nanti akan ada jawaban dari CS support twitter melalui email Anda, Berikut penampakan surat balasan di email :
MReyes, Oct 03 06:32 pm (PDT):
Hello, Twitter has spam systems that review account behavior and automatically suspend users who appear to be engaging in spam behavior. It looks like a disproportionately large number of users, including ones you followed or @replied, have chosen to either block your account or report it as spam. Your account is now un-suspended. Please make sure you review the following help pages:
• The Twitter Rules: http://twitter.com/rules
• Following Limits and Best Practices: http://help.twitter.com/entries/68916
• Automation Rules and Best Practices: http://help.twitter.com/entries/76915 Please note that It may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal. Further violations may result in permanent suspension.
5. Atur semua settingan dengan normal, remove sebagian apps dan protec tweet Anda.. Dan BUMP account twitter normal lagi
Cara mengatasi account twitter suspended yang terjadi pada account ane hanya sekedar pembelajaran. Jadi berbuat lah sesuai TOS twitter dan jangan di langgar.Ingat Further violations may result in permanent suspension. .. hihiii serem kan.
Posted by 11.22 and have
, Published at
untung twitter saya belum pernah suspended. tapi kalo suspended langsung menuju postingan ini. tapi kayaknya ga aka disuspen akun twitter saya, ssoalnya jarang dibuka :D
BalasHapusThank's KK atas walkingnya